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Form Alliances#64

My students love the game, but often there are students who are just good at playing and know the system. I think it would shake things up if players with lower scores were able to form teams or alliances in game. Maybe 2-3 players in an alliance at a time. Perhaps they could offer an amount of money to form an alliance and can break off at any time if they get a better offer.

4 years ago

Yeah… Good idea! Like for example if they have minus profit for a long time, they could join a team or something so they could get up faster. There should be some sort of limit on who can create/join an alliance.

4 years ago

the good gamers would also be able to use this system though. Better to make informal alliances and just take out the leaders.

4 years ago

Can you also let the teachers choose alliences if needed so there isn’t one team that is way more powerful than the other/others?

4 years ago

Cool idea but I can see it getting pretty cut-throat. Hmm…

4 years ago

I wish there would be a way for me, the teacher, to suggest alliances or make custom pairings while the game is in play!

4 years ago

I like it I am a student and that would be lots of fun!

3 years ago

I am a student, and I think that this would be cool! I often get 5th or 6th place because I’m not that fast with my hands, but I get almost all questions correct. Some of my friends are fast, but they often get questions incorrect. I would love to be able to make alliances with them to become unstoppable!

3 years ago
4 months ago

It’s definitely an interesting idea, but realisticly it would be challenging to code into the game and, in addition, they’d need also to consider things like shared budget and (mainly if in non-2d gamemodes) diffenentiating allianced players from regular players, teams, and OTHER ALLIANCES. So, while this is very good in theory, it would be just SO complex in reality.

4 months ago

they should put a test for the students and if they are good then they put them in a diffrent screen then the ones that are’t that good but is the same game not shure if that makes sence

4 months ago


3 months ago

nah they shouldnt do that since it would make students feel bad and could lead to bullying if they are not on the smart team

3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago


a month ago